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Thursday, 31 August 2017

A House Warming Promise

My old college recipe file
Many many months ago, I made a promise to Borat and Latin Hips, the day they move into their new place and invite us for a house warming, I will make them a Greek Coconut Tart.  I haven't made this since college days (as in more than a decade ago, since I graduated in 2005).  Damn, I'm getting old.

So back to the tart, I never had a chance to buy the ingredients beforehand, as Husband had a market in Wellington (thank heaven we slept over at Froggie's place) on Friday and Saturday.  The reason I mention that is I got my hands on 4 different types of smoked salt (thank you Ronel) at that market, so all I can say is:  "Watch this space."  Interesting recipes are coming in the future.  And yes, she did say I'm allowed to mention her by name.  You can find her facebook link here.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

A Last Visit

Firstly, I have to say, the day this blog was written was 21 January 2017.  The reason I didn't publish it then, is I wasn't sure if I would ever want to.

Today we went to visit a friend that has Cancer.  Not just any type, but terminal.  It is difficult, to say the least when you go visit someone you know might only live for a few more months, or even weeks.  You always hope you can see that friend again, but the truth is, there are no guarantees.  What do you take to a friend in this instance for a visit?