We had a bag of apples in the fridge that are reaching the end of their shelf life and a roll of puff pastry ready for a pie for dinner, and as such, instead of blending the apples for the worm farm, I decided to make a classical dish that I've never made. Not even in college. Granted, I have made a savoury version of this dish as a starter back in college days, but never the classical desert. A Tarte Tatin, or, as some have put it, a glorified upside down apple tart. What makes this tart so interesting is that it is made on stove top, as well as baked in the oven, so you need a pot/pan that can handle both. Solid stainless steel cookware is of course the best for this, but few people these days have them. Most have pots with the plastic cool grip handles.
Now I have a challenge for everyone out there. As I mentioned at the beginning, I love the old traditions of tea. I challenge you to host a proper old world tea, complete with something to nibble, even if it is something small, and actually spend time chatting face to face with your friends. Who knows, you might just be invited to the tea he/she hosts.
Now, since that puff pastry is gone, what to do for dinner?
Sounds amazing will have to try this one