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Dutch Appelstroop

Of course there is a story to this recipe.  Please feel free to read the blog relating to it, and go and explore The Dutch Table, where I found the recipe.  I made a double batch of this recipe, which was not a waste, but you will end up with a lot.  In future I will stick to making single batches, unless I want more so as to make bottles to sell or as a gift.

750ml Apple Juice
250ml Sugar (or 200g, and I used brown instead of white)
2 tbsp Dark Molasses (I used the Blackstrap Molasses)

- Bring apple juice and sugar to a boil on a medium heat.  Reduce by about a half.

- Turn up the heat and boil until a candy thermometer reads 114 C (for you awesome people that can do it old school, this is the beginning stage of Firm Ball)

- Let the syrup cool a bit, then stir in the molasses.

- This should result in about 400ml of syrup.  As a good test to see if the syrup has cooked properly, it must coat a teaspoon when dipped and lifted.

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